
Climate Alliance

The “Climate Alliance of European Cities with Indigenous Rainforest Peoples” is Europe’s largest city network dedicated to climate protection. Since 1990 it is supporting its more than 1500 members to achieve their commitment, reducing the greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent every five years, with the important milestone of halving per capita emissions at the latest by 2030 (base year 1990). Climate Alliance informs cities and municipalities by implementing climate protection strategies and develops approved tools for a consistent recording of the energy consumption and the CO2 emissions.
Climate Alliance cooperates with indigenous peoples for the conservation of the tropical rainforests. Partner is COICA, the coordination of the nine national indigenous organisations in the Amazon basin.

Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Heinrich Böll Stiftung

Demokratie und Menschenrechte durchsetzen, gegen Umweltzerstörung angehen, soziale Teilhabe für alle gewährleisten, Konflikte mit zivilen Mitteln lösen, die Freiheit des Individuums verteidigen – das sind die Ziele, die das Handeln der Heinrich- Böll-Stiftung bestimmen.
Die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung versteht sich als eine Agentur für grüne Ideen und Projekte, als eine reformpolitische Zukunftswerkstatt sowie ein internationales Netzwerk. Sie steht der Partei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen nahe und fördert die Entwicklung einer demokratischen Zivilgesellschaft im In- und Ausland.
Heinrich Bölls Aufforderung zur zivilgesellschaftlichen Einmischung in die Politik ist Vorbild für die Arbeit der Stiftung.

Vorrangige Aufgabe der Stiftung ist die politische Bildung im In- und Ausland. Zur Verwirklichung ihrer Ziele entwickelt die Stiftung ein allgemein zugängliches Bildungs- und Weiterbildungsangebot, das eine Vielfalt von Bildungsformen berücksichtigt (Tagungen, Seminare, Kongresse, Websites, Publikationen, Studien, Vorträge, Filme, Ausstellungen). Die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung arbeitet mit 160 Projektpartnern in über 60 Ländern zusammen und unterhält Büros in 28 Ländern. Darüber hinaus kooperieren wir mit unseren 16 Landesstiftungen in Deutschland.

U.a. nimmt das Projekt „Green New Deal – Investieren in die Zukunft“, dessen Idee weltweit als Antwort auf die Doppelkrise von Wirtschaft und Umwelt diskutiert wird, einen zentralen Platz ein.

B.A.U.M. e.V.

Under the acronym B.A.U.M. the German Environmental Management Association since 1984 combines successfully and in a future oriented way economical, ecological and social questions, i. e. the principles of sustainability. Today B.A.U.M. with its more than 500 members is the European business community's largest environmental initiative. Many well known companies as well as non-profit organizations and institutions are members of B.A.U.M and pledged themselves to the B.A.U.M. ethical code for environmental management.

As an information and contact network B.A.U.M. promotes an active and practice oriented exchange of information and experiences and fosters manifold national and international contacts in the areas of business, science, politics and media.

For its work B.A.U.M. received several awards, among them the reception to the UN Global 500 Roll of Honour, the German Environmental Award or the commendation of „Solar – na klar!“ as the best national campaign for renewable energies in Europe by the EU in 2001.

"100%-Erneuerbare-Energie-Regionen"- Projekt

"100%-Erneuerbare-Energie-Regionen"- Projekt

The project “Regions with 100% renewable energy in Germany” will analyse regions and municipalities that have set themselves the goal of obtaining 100% of their energy requirements from renewable energy (RE). The factors crucial to success on the way to a decentralised energy supply based on RE are scrutinised by scientific analysis and strategical attendance. A long-term objective resulting from a successful implementation of the project is the development of a prospectively self-supporting network of 100% RE regions. At this the project can give impetus as from the project’s activities evolves a broad information pool and intensive contacts to a range of key stakeholders are made. The research and development project is carried out by “Kompetenznetzwerk Dezentrale Energietechnologien” (Expertise network for decentralised energy technologies), deENet, based in Kassel and by the University of Kassel.

Kampagne "100% erneuerbar"

Our aim is to pave the way towards an all regenerative energy supply: 100% renewable. Technological standards, which by now can be seen in many places throughout Germany and other parts of the world, show that a different world is possible. Sustainable technology though is but an instrument: to reduce dependency, to strengthen participation in democracy and to nourish or to create chances in a liveable, peaceful environment. Therefore we will use the imagination of people, their ability to dream a different reality. We invite people – students, mayors, communities and local authorities, associations and corporations – to take part in realizing the dream of a sustainable society.