Independent Organisations

Energie-und Umweltzentrum am Deister e. V.

Energie-und Umweltzentrum am Deister e. V.


Windenergie Nordeifel e.V.

Windenergie Nordeifel e.V.
Umweltfreundliche Energien Ennepe-Ruhr e.V.

Umweltfreundliche Energien Ennepe-Ruhr e.V.
B.A.U.M. e.V.

B.A.U.M. e.V.
Das Ecuador-Projekt

Why we are a supporter

The Ecuador-Project
For several years we have worked together with the Ecuadorian Foundation Allpa Janpirinha to the construction of an EcoCenter in Ecuador, where the people get trained how to use renewable energy generation. People from all over the world can meet in the conference building. The networking and the global exchange are our main concern!

Initiative Windkraft Odenwald (IWO) e. V.

Initiative Windkraft Odenwald (IWO) e. V.

Why we are a supporter

A change to 100% renewable energies is absolutely essential and urgently required. This film will surely help contribute to the necessary change in attitudes and minds. Therefore we like to support this film project and wish lot of success!!!

Svensk Vindkraftförening

Svensk Vindkraftförening

Why we are a supporter

The Swedish Wind Power Association, SVIF, was founded 1986 and has in May 2008 1 700 members. SVIF is a non-profit and political boundless association open for as well private persons as companies. The members are pioneers and have up until 2006 built 80 % of all wind power plants in Sweden. The most important message is to spread the necessity to switch over the energy system to renewable energies. We all must economise on available energy resources and we all must get possibility to take part of these.

Bike for Peace and New Energies e.V.

Bike for Peace and New Energies e.V.

Stadtleitbild Roth 2015

Stadtleitbild Roth 2015

Why we are a supporter

Citizens, companies and politicans discover the advantages and chances that lies in the energy transition. By the mix of renewable energy forms and energy efficiency we can provide a local energy supply for generations in a sustainable way. An economy trusting hereon creates employment, value added and cost savings – therefore gainings for everyone.

Photovoltaik Forum

Photovoltaik Forum

Why we are a supporter

We hope that a film of this kind will move and convince people.



Why we are a supporter

Since some years the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis tries to achieve a sustainable energy supply by different projects. Our experience shows energy independency is possible.

Initiative „Aufbruch - anders besser leben“ e.V.

Initiative „Aufbruch - anders besser leben“ e.V.

Verein für Bioenergie e.V.

Why we are a supporter

For nearly 50 years (Club of Rome) it has been known that fossil fuels are finite and that, under certain circumstances, their use can make the earth uninhabitable. Up to this point, however, this has not penetrated people’s consciousness. As a result, this must be changed quickly.

Bürgerprojekt Solarstrom Kornwestheim

Bürgerprojekt Solarstrom Kornwestheim

Why we are a supporter

As a group of involved people from Kornwestheim and Pattonville, who are also members of “Agenda 21”, we want to demonstrate the viability of “Sustainable Market Economy” principles. We combine economics, ecology and social responsibility by endorsing this, in our opinion, noteworthy film project.

Die Klimaschutz Baustelle

Why we are a supporter

Regenerative energies are ecologically friendly, secure and indefinitely available, they save our resources and are economical in the intermediate term. As a result, supporting them is logical.

Schützt die Allmende!-Stiftung

Schützt die Allmende!-Stiftung

Why we are a supporter

The fund “Schützt die Allmendes” (“Protect the Allmendes”, a subdivision of the Freiburg Kant-Fund) supports this project, because it is part of an important campaign for the protection of the natural and cultural shared property of mankind. All efforts to reach a decentralized energy supply with renewable energies is regarded as political and economic measure, necessary for pushing through a structural change towards more justice in terms of resources and future generations and a survival in diversity.

Energiewende-Erding e.V.

Energiewende-Erding e.V.

Why we are a supporter

Energy transition is possible and overdue


Why we are a supporter

Our network consisting of 23 architects in Germany and Switzerland is building sustainable houses in “passive-house-standard” and renovating energy-wasters in order to create a state-of-the-art building culture.


Why we are a supporter

Take part in a film that wants to stir up. Renewable energies produce sustainable results, making sense at the same time. We take part and support independent and courageous film-makers , who ask inconvenient, but urgent questions of our time from an ethical point of view.

Förderverein Zukunftsenergien, SolarRegio Kaiserstuhl e.V.

Förderverein Zukunftsenergien, SolarRegio Kaiserstuhl e.V.

Why we are a supporter

Every single human being can contribute to energy transition taking his /her own steps towards more peace and a juster world. One step could be subscribing to eco-energy. The film will help spread ideas like these, and ideas are first steps towards acting. You can find simple energy saving tips at:

SPD members Tuttlingen

SPD members Tuttlingen

Why we are a supporter

To try and reach many people is an important approach. We know Carl Fechner and trust him.

Why we are a supporter

For more than 100 years NaturFreunde have been advocating nature- and environment-friendly coexistence, solidarity and justice. The protection of climate and environment are not isolated issues, they need to be regarded in the context of poverty, development and social justice. These are the foundation pillars of NaturFreundes' work.

Grüne Akademie

Grüne Akademie
Fachverband Biogas e.V.

Fachverband Biogas e.V.

Why we are a supporter

The re-structuring our energy supply is a crucial problem of the 21st century. Only if we manage to reach a consensus in society for sustainable and decentralized energy supply, will we solve this problem. The film Energy Autonomy will be a very important contribution to this.

Bündnis 90 Die Grünen

Bündnis 90 Die Grünen

Why we are a supporter

If we don't take care of environment and climate, our great-grandchildren will have to pay the bill. (quote from Green Party's manifesto of 2005)

Sonnenkraft Freising e.V.

Why we are a supporter

This film is important!

Bürgerprojekt Photovoltaik

Why we are a supporter

The members of the citizens' project Photovoltaik are deeply convinced that the 21st century is a solar age. By 2021 it will be 100 years since Albert Einstein received the Nobel prize in physics for the discovery off the photovoltaic effect. With the energy transition currently one of the most peaceful revolutions in history is taking.

Landesinstitut für Schulbildung Hamburg

Stiftung Umweltbildung Schweiz

Waldorfschule Hamburg Nienstedten e.V.